Being thrown back into the real world after the most amazing two and a bit weeks of Buffy’s high school and Disneyland and Comic Con and beach time and road trips and cultural and shopping trips through San Francisco and Vidcon and meeting Stan Lee and chilled out LA times in California…being thrown back into reality has proved quite a shock.Thinking about things I have to do and sort and make happen is proving somewhat overwhelming to me at this moment, hence the fact that I’m awake at 2:30 in the morning (that and jetlag), writing this and sorting my over a thousand pictures (yup) from the trip.
The two focal events of my trip were the two cons; comic and vid. They were both really, really amazing in entirely different ways. I find myself missing them for all the obvious reasons involving awesome people and awesome events…but I also, in the current OMG I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO fog, find myself missing the general con…way of life.
Vidcon only went on for two days, but even that was enough to be more than just event, and become something of a temporary style of living, while comic con was five days long so…yeah.
At conventions, the problems you have to solve are simple; how do I get to this event? How early will I have to stand in line to get a good seat? Am I programmed out? Do I want to deal with the hell that is the intersection to the nearest road with restaurants or face the inedible food here? (applying only to comic con; the food at the vidcon hotel was lovely).
Being entirely “relaxed” isn’t always relaxing…it makes me think to much about future big life stresses. But the stresses and need to organise and need to problem solve that a con brings…they keep those thoughts at bay, while not being overwhelming themselves. Because if my problem is what time I should go and stand in line for a panel…well, I work it out, and do it. No big life consequences, no long term effect or regret, just problem > solution.
Which is so, so, so nice.
It reminds me somewhat of theatre; during a play, you don’t worry about big life shit, you worry about x person getting on stage at y time.
Life could never stay like that forever, clearly, it would get boring, clearly it would end up seeming meaningless, clearly I would get tired of Captain Americas pushing past me…but right now, I’m defiantly missing the simplicity…part of my current “I miss everything about California and do not want to be in London right now” mood.
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